Friday, March 9, 2007

lampros pigounis

lampros pigounis (greece, 1976)
studied violin and theory of music at
the greek conservatoire in
. from 1998-2001 he studied
music at the university of hertfordshire.
he has recently completed an ma in electroacoustic
composition at city university, london.
his recent works have been collaborations with
choreographers from the laban
centre of movement and dance
in london.
his electroacoustic works for dance have been
performed at laban's dance festivals, in greenwich
and docklands international festival
, at the
northern exposure of contemporary dance
and video festival
, at the mercat de les slors in barcelona and at the international platform
of arts
in portugal.

futureofmypast/untitled- lampros pigounis 10m52s

the cause of a composer's choice is the hidden idea of
inspiration, which may be impossible for the listener
to pinpoint. the identity of the work comes from a very
important element of inspiration called mystery. the
drawing in of breath, a divine influence and thought
are three definitions of inspiration, which are bonding
agents in the process of creation. futureofmypast/
, exhibits suddenness and unexpectedness
in which thought arises in a mysterious way rather
than logically placed. it is an unconscious related
activity that provides the work with memories, dreams
and other mental impressions. the relatively large
number and gestural character of the sounds employed
feeds the work with narrative as well as dramatic
elements, and perhaps most significantly, it suggests
and plays on metaphors and symbolism, some intended
by the composer and others perceived by the listener.

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